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  1. The user can work with DNA, RNA and amino acid sequence or any other sequence of interest.
  2. User can assign points to various regions of the plot or use clustering algorithm to make the grouping.
  3. The sequence under study will be shown at the bottom of the plot and user can scroll through it.
  4. The sequence can be plotted on a triangle, square or on a polygon with corners up to 20.
  5. The user will be able to divide the plot into sub  regions and count the number of n-mers.
  6. The user can select a part of the sequence or a portion of the plot and assign a color to it.
  7. The corresponding points in the CGR as well as the sequence will be displayed in the same color.
  8. User can make movies of how CGR is being plotted.
  9. Zoom in and Zoom out feature is available.
  10. User can save picture in different picture formats.
  11. The entire project can be saved. A project includes sequence under study, the CGR plot and the manipulation made by user.
  12. The user can convert the DNA/ RNA sequence to amino acid and vice versa and observe the difference in plot.
  13. The user can plot two sequences simultaneously and study the plots.
  14. the user can generate a text file containing the number of N-mers in each grid after splitting the plot.
  15. It accepts simple text files as well as standard fasta file.